This is how it started
Narpes District Heating Ltd - Narpes Kaukolämpö Oy was founded in spring 2006. The company is owned 93 % of Narpes City and to 7 % of Narko Oy. Since the work of the company increased when the district heating network and two fuel station's construction started to be built the company hired only one person. person. Since when heating stations were completed the company hired an additional employee. Overall, the company has two people who are full-time employees. In addition, the company's one-Call Services assists in the monitoring of facilities on weekends and at night.
Närpiö District Heating Ltd. has built and owns two heating stations. Main Center which is located in the industrial sector in Finby and reserve center located in the city center.These two centers will provide our customers with the heat. The company's goal is to use the main center as much as possible.
This is because it is bio-fuel used in the solid fuel boiler. The boilers in which the solid fuel is used has a total capacity of 9,0 + 4,0 MW. By fasting and renewable fuels are used in our facility means that we save the environment. Emissions would be reduced by better combustion in the fireplace and it's positive for the environment.
Light fuel oil is used during the summer when consumption is at its lowest and chimney sweeping and maintenance performed on the solid fuel boiler. Heat Center which is located in the city center is usually not used. The spare capacity that exists at the center is 4,0 + 4,0 MW. As used light fuel oil.
Närpiö District Heating Ltd heats up a total volume of 1.217.702 m3. This large volume which is to be heated makes the company to produce and sell between 29.000 - 31.000 MWh / year. (Updated 31.12.2018).
Piping system that provides customers with the heat is 10.736,0 meters long on the west side of Narpes stream. Network along the east side is 13.255,0 m. Total length of tubing is 23.991,0 m. (Updated 31.12.2018). If the length of steel pipes should be counted, (return path) is the 47.982,0 m in length. The network holds 550 m3 of heated water. The temperature of the water in the network varies between 40 °C - 110 °C, depending on the season.